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First Full-Scale Airport Installation of BCAS Air

First Full-Scale Airport Installation of BCAS Air

Volacom AD successfully delivered and installed the first full-scale novice and technologically superior BCAS Air system at Kigali International Airport in Rwanda. The bid was won and contract was signed in H2 2015, foreseeing the production, delivery, and installation of a complete autonomous bird detection and deterrence system on the main runway by mid-2016.

Kigali International Airport is the main airport serving Rwanda’s capital Kigali, operated by Rwanda Airports Authority. The airport serves ca. 500 weekly flights and more than 700,000 passengers per year.

← Back to News First Full-Scale Airport Installation of BCAS Air

Volacom is a European hi-tech start-up developing technologically advanced automated bird control solutions for airport and industrial applications. The company’s products utilize thermal imaging and specially designed acoustic signals to detect birds at long distances and deter them without allowing for habituation.

First Full-Scale Airport Installation of BCAS Air